The carburetor is a very important component that determines how an outboard motor will perform.
Sometimes they can develop a fault when you least expected.
That is why you have to know of the causes of mercury 9.9 four stroke carburetor problems.
You have to also know how to fix them too when they are faulty.
Some of the problems with mercury 9.9 4 stroke carburetor include leaking carburetor, stuck carburetor float and clogged carburetor.
In this guide, you will learn of how to fix your mercury 9.9 carburetor when they are faulty.
Mercury 9.9 Four stroke Carburetor Problems And How To Fix
1) Clogged Carburetor
When you are using your outboard motor, the carburetor plays a vital role in the performance.
If the carburetor is in a good shape, it will be able to supply the right volume of fuel that the combustion chamber needs.
With this, you will have a flawless performance.
But at some point, your carburetor might develop a fault.
One of these problems shows up as a clogged carburetor.
This will only end up reducing the performance of your outboard motor.
To enjoy a great performance again, you have to make sure that you unclog the carburetor.
a) Bad Fuel
When it comes to the case in which a carburetor is clogged, the major reason is usually due to a bad fuel.
Before your outboard motor can start or stay running, it has to receive fuel.
But the fuel does not just go directly from the fuel tank to the combustion chamber.
It has to pass through other components of the outboard motor.
This is usually where the carburetor plays a part.
The fuel from the fuel tank passes through the carburetor before it is sent to the combustion chamber.
If the fuel is a bad one that contains debris, it will settle at the bottom of the carburetor.
As this debris continues to settle at the bottom of the carburetor, it will begin to clog the outlet valve..
Due to this, the carburetor will not be able to release fuel for combustion.
b) Rusty Carburetor
With the way carburetors are made, they are made to resist rusting.
But at some point, a carburetor that is not too good in quality will rust.
Another reason this may happen is when you keep using a bad fuel that attacks the internal walls of your carburetor.
This will lead to rusting of the carburetor.
Due to this, the carburetor will be clogged.
a) Use a Good Fuel
To avoid a situation in which debris is deposited inside your carburetor, you have to watch the fuel quality.
If you use a bad fuel that contains debris, they will settle in your carburetor.
Due to this, the carburetor will be clogged.
To avoid this, you have to make sure that you use a good fuel that is free from debris.
With this, your carburetor will not be clogged.
b) Use a Good Quality Carburetor
You can use a good fuel but still have a clogged carburetor.
This is usually caused by the use of a bad quality carburetor.
With a bad carburetor, the internal walls of the carburetor will easily wear off or rust.
The residue of the rust will be deposited inside the carburetor which will end up blocking the carburetor.
To avoid this, you have to make sure that you replace a bad carburetor with a good one.
c) Clean Carburetor From Debris
If you discover that your carburetor is clogged, that is not the end of that carburetor.
A simple step can help put the carburetor to a good functional state.
This is by cleaning the debris from the carburetor.
This has to be done by a well experienced outboard motor technician.
With this, your carburetor will be able to function well again.
2) Leaking Carburetor
Another mercury 9.9 4 stroke carburetor problem is leakage.
When there is a leakage in the carburetor of an outboard motor, performance will be affected.
a) Damaged Bowl gasket
In a carburetor, there are so many parts.
There is an upper part and there is also a lower part.
These two parts are also made up of a lot of components too.
The bowl gasket stores the fuel in the carburetor.
If it has a fault, then there will be a leakage in the carburetor.
b) Bad Or Loose Bowl Gasket Screw
The lower part of the carburetor which holds fuel is the bowl gasket.
This bowl gasket has a screw at the bottom too.
If this screw is faulty or loose then there will be a leakage of fuel from the carburetor.
c) Bad Or Loose Carburetor Drain Screw
When you want to store your automobile for a long time, it is always good to drain the fuel in the carburetor.
This will help prevent the release of bad fuel into the combustion chamber when you want to use the outboard motor.
This is because fuel gets bad when it stays for a long period of time.
But to prevent wastage of fuel when using your outboard motor, you have to make sure that the drain screw is in a tight position.
Make sure that you do not exert excess pressure when tightening a carburetor drain screw.
This can lead to a worn carburetor drain tread which is bad too.
a) Replace Bad Bowl Gasket
If you discover that your carburetor bowl gasket is bad, you have to fix it.
This bowl gasket can be damaged if the bowl is cracked or if the tread is weak and leaking.
When you see any of these faults, then you have to make sure that you change the bowl gasket to a good one.
b) Tighten Loose Bowl Gasket Screw
If the bowl gasket screw is loose, you have to make sure that you tighten it.
This will help prevent the leakage of fuel from the carburetor.
c) Tighten Loose Carburetor Drain Screw
The carburetor drain screw helps release fuel from the carburetor.
if you observe that fuel is leaking from there, you have to make sure that you tighten it.
This will help prevent fuel leakage from the carburetor.
3) Stuck Carburetor Float
Another mercury 9.9 4 stroke carburetor problem has to do with a stuck float.
This can happen in two different ways.
One way is that the carburetor float can be stuck in a closed position.
When this occurs, then fuel will not flow into the carburetor.
This will starve the engine and result in cases in which the outboard motor shuts down when in use.
Another way in which a carburetor is stuck is when it is stuck in the open position.
In a situation like this, fuel will continuously flow into the carburetor without regulation from the carburetor.
This will lead to situations of a leaking carburetor.
It will also lead to smoking and engine flooding.
a) Free Stuck Carburetor Float
When you discover the symptoms of a stuck float in a carburetor, you have to troubleshoot.
If you discover that it is due to a stuck float, you have to fix it.
This can be easily done by rebuilding the carburetor.
With this, the float will be free.
This will help the carburetor to function well again.
4) Carburetor Releasing Excess Fuel
With the use of a carburetor, the flow of fuel is greatly regulated.
This is made possible by some of the components in a carburetor.
This includes the needle and the float.
When there is less fuel in the carburetor, the float opens up to allow flow of fuel into the carburetor.
When there is enough fuel in the carburetor, the float closes to avoid excess fuel in the carburetor.
This helps in achieving a good performance when you use your outboard motor.
But when the carburetor float is stuck, then the flow of fuel will not be regulated.
If the carburetor float is stuck in the open position, then there will be a continuous flow of fuel to the carburetor.
This will lead to smoking, engine flooding and also carburetor leakage.
a) Stuck Carburetor Float
The float in a carburetor is meant to control the flow of fuel.
But when it is faulty, then there will be issues.
One of the issues is that an excess release of fuel will occur if the carburetor float is stuck in the open position.
a) Free Stuck Carburetor Float
When you discover that the float in your carburetor is stuck, then you have to make sure that you fix it.
One way this can be done is to make sure that you open the carburetor and free the stuck float.
Another way this can be solved is to buy a new carburetor if the carburetor is really damaged.
This will help solve the problem of mercury 9.9 4 stroke carburetor releasing excess fuel.
5) Carburetor Not Receiving Fuel
When the carburetor is receiving excess fuel, there will be issues.
When it is receiving less to no fuel, there will be problems too.
In this case, the engine will be starved of fuel which will lead to engine shut down while running.
if this issue occurs when you want to start your outboard motor, then your outboard motor will not start.
a) Stuck Carburetor Float
When a carburetor is not receiving fuel, there are a lot of reasons this can happen.
One of the reasons why this can occur is when the carburetor float is stuck in the closed position.
Due to this, there will be no fuel flow into the carburetor.
This will cause the carburetor not to receive fuel.
b) Bad Fuel line
For the carburetor to receive fuel, the fuel line has to make the supply,
if the fuel line is bad, then it will not be able to release fuel to the carburetor.
a) Free Stuck Carburetor Float
The carburetor float plays a vital role in the functionality of a carburetor.
It helps in making sure that the carburetor and engine is not flooded or starved of fuel.
This is done by opening up for fuel intake when there is less fuel in the carburetor.
Also it helps in closing the fuel intake in the carburetor when there is enough fuel in the carburetor.
This will help solve mercury 9.9 4 stroke carburetor problems.
b) Replace Bad Fuel Line
If the fuel line in your outboard motor is bad, you have to fix it.
This can be done by getting a good replacement.
With this, the fuel line will be able to send out fuel to the carburetor.